FONTVIEW.EXE is a Visual Basic program that displays available screen fonts in various sizes and attributes and prints a list of available fonts. VBRUN100.DLL is required to run FONTVIEW.EXE since it is a Visual Basic Application.
There are many font viewers written in Visual basic; the underlying theme here was simplicity. FONTVIEW will display fonts. Period. The source files FONTS.FRM and FONTS.MAK are included.
Freeware! Enjoy! Please send any and all comments to:
Charles K. Snider
jArGoN cOmPuTiNg FONTVIEW v1.0 10/03/91
Compuserve (73730,1315)
Disclaimer: This runs on OUR computers, but that doesn't mean it will run on YOUR computer. There are no warranties, etc.., express or implied. But seriously, it should run with out a hitch!
Copyrights: Windows and Visual Basic are registered trademarks of Microsoft.